&hint1=I am a 16th century fresco& &hint2=I am part of a much larger work& &hint3=I demonstrated Michelangelo's belief that the human body was the most expressive form available to an artist& &hint4=I am on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel& &choices=Eritrean Sybil;The School of Athens;Leo X with Cardinal Giulio de'Medici and Luigi de'Rossi;Malagan tableau;Pietro Arentino;Charles V on Horseback at the Battle of Muhlberg& &answer=Eritrean Sybil& &search=Michelangelo Sybil& &title=Eritrean Sybil& &artist=Michelangelo& &medium=Fresco& &date=1508-12& &location=Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome& &dimensions=&